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How to Effectively Find and Recruit the Best Affiliates

Rewardful Team

While affiliate marketing is a relatively passive marketing tactic, the success of your affiliate program relies on your affiliates. Thus, recruiting the right—or best affiliates is the basis of successful affiliate marketing programs.

Recruiting the right affiliates helps drive traffic, increase sales, and spread the word about your products or services, all while you focus on other marketing and business elements. Besides understanding the different types of affiliates, there are some smart strategies you can use to recruit top affiliates.

Now, how do you find and recruit these superstar affiliates? Here are our 6 best practices for finding and recruiting affiliates.

1. Make Sure Your Affiliate Program is Easy to Find

Affiliate recruiting tips number one: don’t jump straight into recruiting. Before promoting and recruiting affiliates on affiliate networks and directories, you should make it easily discoverable. How to do that? By writing a clear and compelling description that attracts affiliates to your affiliate program.

Let’s start by crafting a captivating program description that highlights your affiliate program's unique features and benefits. Then, showcase the attractive commission structure and how you will support them with exclusive promotional materials and any special incentives. Let them know why partnering with your program is a win-win opportunity—but keep it real. 

2. Promote Your Affiliate Program on Social Media

The best place to recruit affiliates is by promoting your affiliate program where your potential affiliates are. This action can include establishing and maintaining affiliate program support forums, Facebook pages, LinkedIn Groups, and a dedicated support Twitter account. Truly engage with your audience and smother them with valuable content to build trust and credibility. Here are some ideas to implement:

Highlight the success stories of your current affiliates to showcase the earning potential and benefits of your program. Authentic testimonials and case studies can inspire others to join and promote your products or services.

Conduct live Q&A sessions on platforms like Facebook Live, Instagram Live, or anywhere you can that makes sense for your affiliate audience. This interactive approach helps build trust and encourages engagement – and it shows you’re serious about your affiliate program.

Participate in Twitter chats, LinkedIn groups, and Reddit discussions dedicated to affiliate marketing discussions. Contribute valuable insights and easily connect with potential affiliates who are actively seeking program opportunities.

Research and utilize relevant hashtags related to affiliate marketing, such as #affiliatemarketing, #affiliateprogram, or industry-specific hashtags. This helps expand your reach and connect with individuals interested in affiliate opportunities.

Leverage the power of press releases! Don’t be shy and proudly announce new developments, partnerships, or updates about your affiliate program. This not only boosts SEO benefits but also increases visibility and exposure.

Participate in affiliate marketing conferences and consider advertising in conference guides/programs. Also, explore niche conferences that align with your target affiliates' interests. Don't forget to advertise in relevant print publications.

3. Create an Affiliate Page That Sells and Supports

What is the best way to sell your affiliate program? Show potential affiliates how you'll make them successful, not just how much they can earn.

You can create an FAQ section and an affiliate program support site or blog. These resources will attract potential affiliates through search engines by increasing your discoverability, and they'll also free up your time by allowing affiliates to find answers to their questions independently, minimizing your support workload.

When creating the FAQs or affiliate program support documents, put yourself in the shoes of affiliates-to-be, and answer anything you can think of. Here are some questions to include.

Affiliate tracking, commissions, and payments

Affiliate program regulations and policies

Affiliate support and contact

If you’re looking for more inspiration, check out our affiliate ABC—the complete affiliate marketing glossary.

4. Reach Out to Influencers

Influencers hold great potential as high-value affiliates who can reach a large audience. To make sure they’re willing to work with you, keep these tips in mind:

5. Target Competitor Affiliates

One of the smartest affiliate recruitment strategies? Look at ambitious and active affiliates – they rarely only work with one partner. Identify affiliates who are already (actively and successfully) promoting your competitors. You can find them by searching tagged posts and relevant hashtags. Reach out to these affiliates and highlight the unique advantages of your program compared to your competitors. Here’s how to persuade them:

Last but not least, you don't have to bash the competition—you can also focus on how your program is a great addition to their current tactics.

6. Give the Affiliate Recruitment a Boost with Paid Ads

Consider setting up paid advertisements specifically aimed at attracting affiliates. Some people actively search for affiliate programs to join, and paid ads can give your program an extra boost alongside your SEO efforts. 

Tap into the power of your existing affiliates by asking them to refer your program to people in their network. Incentivize them to do so by offering rewards or bonuses for successful referrals. This strategy allows you to expand your community from within, leveraging the trust and relationships your current affiliates have built.

Put your affiliate program front and center. If someone signs up for your newsletter, make sure there's an email in the pipeline that mentions it or a link in every email mentioning the program. You can also personally reach out to customers who leave stellar reviews and offer them to join your program.

Ready to Recruit Your Next Top Affiliate?

While you take care of affiliate recruiting, Rewardful takes care of the rest. 

Our affiliate software helps you create a solid foundation and a warm welcome for your affiliates in just a few simple steps. Sign up and start your affiliate program today!

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